As early as 1932 K.A. Rasmussen participated in the pioneering development of the first catalyst gauze for nitric acid production in Norway. We have since continuously worked on research and development and been an important contributor to the Nordic expertise in the field.
An important part of delivering high-quality products in this area is the quality of the raw material. Precisely for this reason we focus on optimizing our own refining process to ensure a purity of at least 999.5 on all metals we use in our production.
Catalyst systems for the oxidation of ammonia in nitric acid production are tailored to fit the specific conditions of the given reactor where the catalyst use is intended to be used. Combustion yield, lifetime/campaign length, PGM value for installation and metal loss are all calculated to ensure the best possible run.
This is considered for every reactor type (atmospheric, low, medium, or high pressure) which require their own specific composition of the PGM gauze system.
Gold, silver, FeCrAl and copper may also be supplied as meshes or gauzes in addition to the PGM catalyst systems.
Contact us for more information
Phone: +47 625 12 710 E-mail:
Visiting address: Strandvegen 165 2316 Hamar
Postal address: Postboks 4455 2326 Hamar
Delivery address: Birkebeinervegen 24 2316 Hamar
Office hours Hamar: Monday to friday: 09.00 – 11.30 and 12.30 – 15.00
Visiting address: Hovfaret 17 0275 Oslo
Postal address: Postboks 311 Skøyen 0213 Oslo
Office hours Oslo: Monday to thursday 09.00 – 15.00 Friday: 09.00 – 14.00
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